Search Guide


  1. Diacritics Enforced toggles between using a diacritic-neutral and a diacritic-enforced search.
    Diacritic-neutral: wiezniow = więźniów

  2. The default search uses the Chomper method anywhere in corpus
    1. Chomper search removes letters from the right until a match is found
    2. Exact Matches Only matches the entire search string
    3. MySQL RegExp allows MySQL regexp/rlike expressions
    4. Context matching can be done by using parentheses: (flower)

  3. Wildcard Operator: *
    1. Right-anchored searches: *grate
    2. Left-anchored searches: int*
    3. Left- & Right-anchored: int*te
    4. Internal searches: *grat*
    5. Combination searches: *int*gr*

  4. Boolean Operators
    1. AND Operator: ^ (e.g. horse ^ fly )
    2. OR Operator: | (e.g. horse | fly )
    3. NOT Operator: ~[...] (e.g. horse | fly ~[horse & fly], horse*~[ horsefly ] )
    4. Multiple boolean and wildcard operators: anti* | contra* | counter*


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